About ATS

ATS, the Finnish Nuclear Society (FNS), was founded in 1966. The purpose of the scientific association is to promote the knowledge and development of nuclear technology in Finland, and to help its members in exchanging professional experiences and knowledge and in deepening their professional skills, both in Finland and internationally. 

ATS is a member society of the European Nuclear Society and we have international co-operation with other nuclear societies. ATS is also a member of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. As a general principle, the society promotes and facilitates events in Finland and content in Finnish language. Regardless, we welcome all collaboration and participants who are interested in our activities. Our larger events sometimes host visiting experts who offer their presentations in English. 

Introduction of society

To promote knowledge of nuclear technology in Finland, we organize scientific meetings, courses, and presentations on selected scientific topics open for our members. We support publishing activities in the nuclear technology area, issue presentations and if necessary, also statements, that support the development of the nuclear technology and make initiatives to the authorities. In all its activities, the association respects the facts and the right of its members to an independent and independent scientific way of thinking.

Every three years, ATS organizes a two-day Finnish Nuclear Technology Days (SYP) symposium. ATS annually organizes 2–4 general lectures on current topics in nuclear technology aimed at members, as well as a programmatic dinner cruise every other year. In addition, ATS organizes annual visits to Finnish and nearby nuclear facilities. 

The following permanent working groups operate under the association:

• group of young nuclear technology professionals: ATS Young Generation,

• a group promoting the exchange of information between women working in the field of nuclear technology: Women in Nuclear Finland (WiN Fin)

• and ATS-Seniors, formed by retirees from nuclear engineering positions.

The association publishes ATS Ydintekniikka, a trade bulletin in the field of nuclear technology that has been published for more than 50 years. ATS board organizes member events for the entire membership and supports separate action groups that organize their own events and gatherings: Young Generation (YG), Women in Nuclear Finland (WiN Fin) and ATS-Seniors.

The scientific and technical articles of the ATS Ydintekniikka magazine from a period of 50 years can be found on the ATS Ydintekniikka subpage of this website. 

The publication committee, the international affairs committee and the statement, glossary and guidelines committee also operate under the association's executive board. The purpose of the committees is to enhance and coordinate the association's activities in selected area. In addition to the magazine Ydintekniikka, the ATS society publishes from time-to-time publications presenting the role of nuclear technology, radiation and nuclear energy in Finland's electricity production and energy policy. ATS has in this vein produced a six-language (Finnish, English, German, Swedish, French, and Russian) nuclear technology glossary containing approximately 1,300 words, which also defines all words it presents in Finnish and English. 

Join as a member

The association has personal members and supporting members. Personal members are permanent members, perpetual members, student members or honorary members. Supporting members are companies and communities in the nuclear technology industry that want to support and promote the realization of the association's goals.

At the end of 2022, the association had approximately 780 members. The members of the association are people working in the field of nuclear technology who want to promote nuclear technology knowledge, development and information exchange. Joining the association requires a written application and the recommendation of two members of the association to the board. Lifetime membership requires the payment of a one-time fee determined separately by the club's annual meeting. A student member is a person who is a full-time university student and who meets the requirements for a permanent member.

The member is entitled to participate in the activities and events of society and receives the ATS Ydintekniikka magazine, which is published by society four times a year. Membership also entitles the board to membership benefits defined in more detail each year and e.g. for a discount on the participation fee of the Finnish Nuclear Technology Days (SYP) conference organized by the society every three years. Joining ATS is possible for Finnish nuclear professionals or nuclear professionals working in Finland by filling an application form here

If you would like to become a supporting member please contact someone in the board. A supporting member has to be a physical person or incorporated society. Supporting members don't have the right to vote. Supporting members can participate to society's meetings and events. Fee to supporting members is 600 €.  

The list of supporting members is presented at the bottom of the main page

Women in Nuclear Finland (WiN Fin)

The members of WiN Finland are professionals working in the fields of nuclear energy, nuclear science, and nuclear technology. We have a common commitment to communicate with the public and to provide objective and accessible information on nuclear technologies, nuclear applications, and professions in these fields.

Our mission is

-        To be a network to exchange and to share experiences and best practices.

-        To strengthen the visibility of women in nuclear business sectors.

-        To encourage young women to choose scientific or technical careers.

-        To provide our collective competence and expertise in the fields of education, knowledge transfer and public outreach.

We have amongst our members female experts who have been a part of the research, licencing, building, commissioning, operation and decommissioning in various nuclear projects. Such applications include

• The first EPR-project in Europe.

• The first final disposal solution in the world.

• The research and licencing of SMR’s.

• Developing a reactor based on fusion reactions.

• Assessing Nuclear safety and sustainability.

• Supporting energy security.

• Developments in nuclear medicine.


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