SYP 2022 Proceedings
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Tuesday, November 1st, 2022
Opening session
Markus Airila, Chairman of the Board, Finnish Nuclear Society
Opening of SYP2022
Riku Huttunen, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Greetings from the Government
Jussi Jyrinsalo, Fingrid
The future energy system – how to make it work?
Jarmo Tanhua, TVO
Lessons Learnt from a New Build Project OL3
Technical session: Small Modular Reactors in Society
Esa Pursiheimo, VTT
Investments in Nuclear Heating in Helsinki Metropolitan Area During Volatile Energy Markets
Matti Kojo, LUT
A Small Modular Reactor next door? The opinions of the Finnish-speaking residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area to the distance from a possible SMR unit
Tomi Lindroos, VTT
Prospects of electricity and heat-only SMRs in the Baltic Region
Technical session: Nuclear Fuel and Materials 1
Uffe Bergmann, Westinghouse
Additive Manufacturing in Fuel Fabrication
Janne Heikinheimo, VTT
European collaboration on nuclear fuel behavioural analyses under EU-OperaHPC
Valtteri Turkki, VTT
Implementation and Validation of MOX Fuel Models in FINIX
Technical session: Fusion Technology
Antti Hakola, VTT
Nuclear Technology Activities under ECO-Fusion Project – What is Needed to Design a Fusion Power Plant?
Tomas Lindén, Helsinki Institute of Physics
Privately funded fusion research status and fusion regulation
Tero Tyrväinen, VTT
Design-Phase Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility
Plenary Session
Simon-Erik Ollus, Fortum
Fortum – strong in nuclear
Tiina Jalonen, Posiva
ONKALO® – the First in the World
Juhani Hyvärinen, LUT
Thermohydraulics as Science and Its Significance for the Safety and Availability of Nuclear Power
Awarding the Pekka Jauho prize 2022
Techincal Session: Small Modular Reactor Projects
Silja Häkkinen, VTT
EcoSMR - Ecosystem for Small ModularReactors
Antti Rantakaulio & Laurent Leveugle, Fortum
From SMRs R&D to Nuclear newbuild feasibility study
Joonas Telkkä, LUT
SMR Experiments with the MOTEL Test Facility within the Euratom Project McSAFER
Rebekka Komu, VTT
Station Blackout Transient Analyses for VTT's SMR Design LDR-50
Technical Session: From Early Days to Distant Future
Markus Ahlskog, University of Jyväskylä
The prelude to the Finnish nuclear technology effort
Pasi Junninen, Platom
Nuclear Safety and How it is Ensured
Timothy Schatz, VTT
Post-closure related responsibilities and plans of license holders and authorities in Finland on knowledge and awareness
Petri Paju, University of Turku
Forgetting the nuclear waste repository for
good as the Finnish approach?
Technical Session: Neutronics
Antti Snicker, Aalto University
Serpent2 neutronics calculations for a HELIAS fusion reactor
Jussi Peltonen, VTT
Ongoing Serpent 2 neutronics studies of Jules Horowitz Reactor
Lucia Sanchis, Aalto University
Neutronics for DEMO Fusion Power Plant: Serpent2 Modelling of 14.1 MeV Neutrons in Reactor Mock-Up Components
Unna Lauranto, VTT
Verification of Ants time-dependent nodal neutronics model
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022
Plenary Session
Stefano Monti, International Atomic Energy Agency
Small Modular Reactors: A new nuclear energy paradigm - How the IAEA is supporting creation of an enabling environment and technology development and deployment
Marc Tannenbaum, Electric Power Research Institute
Supply Chain Challenges and Opportunities for Advanced Reactors
Kalev Kallemets, Fermi Energia
Price stability to Baltic power customers with SMRs
Technical Session: International Collaborations
Klaus Sjöblom, Fortum
WANO - Our window to nuclear world
Ville Tulkki, VTT
ELSMOR – towards European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors
Marcus Dahlfors, TVO
The Nuclear Futures Institute and the THOR rig in North Wales, UK
Technical Session: Nuclear Fuel and Materials 2
Wade Karlsen, VTT
Procurement of a New A-type Transport Cask for Radioactive Structural Materials
Brahim Dif, VTT
Re-Evaluation of Cladding Failure Criterion in LOCA within the R2CA EU H2020 Project
Markus Hirvensalo, VTT
Development and First Results of a New Finite Element-Based Fuel Temperature Solver for High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
Technical Session: Decommissioning and Nuclear Waste Management – Key to Sustainability 1
Olli Soppela, VTT
The dECOmm Co-Innovation Project Joins Finnish Nuclear Decommissioning Competences for International Market Needs
Joyce Ang, University of Helsinki
Improved hot-particle detection and isotope separation with real-time autoradiography
Jesse Lavonen, Fortum
Robotics in Decom - Research of Robotic Installation Suitable for Clearance Measurements of Nuclear Facilities
Technical Session: Spent Fuel Management
Otto Fabritius, University of Helsinki
Sorption of radium on crystalline rocks in various reference groundwater conditions; sorption modeling study
Silja Häkkinen, VTT
Recent spent fuel research at VTT
Technical Session: Safety Analyses
Ville Valtavirta, VTT
Kraken in 2022 – An update on the new Finnish reactor analysis framework
Ari Vepsä, VTT
Comprehensive Aircraft Impact Assessment at
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Technical Session: Decommissioning and Nuclear Waste Management – Key to Sustainability 2
Gianni Vettese, University of Helsinki
Sr behaviour in Flow-Through Column Representative of Near-Surface Disposal of Very Low Level Radioactive Wastes
Antti Räty, VTT
Scaling Factor Formation of FiR1 Decommissioning Waste
Technical Session: Enabling Sustainability and Safety
Timo Okkonen, Kind Atom
How to Lead the Owner's Nuclear New-Build Program?
Jaakko Leppänen, VTT
LDR-50 District Heating Reactor Technology
Tuomo Huttunen, Rolls-Royce SMR
Innovating where it's most needed: Delivery